

Liu Danqi's Solo Exhibition

展期 | Duration

2022/07/30 - 2022/08/15

开幕 | Opening

2022/07/30 15:00

地点 | Location









今年的五月感觉似乎没有那么热,也许是住在湖边的缘故,临近黄昏反而感觉到一丝凉意,半夜雨滴滴答答地下了起来。我坐在壁炉旁看着摇曳的火苗,迷迷糊糊得睡着了。壁炉里升腾起一片片的云,细细的雨丝斜斜密密的交错着,落在火苗上 ,溅起了很多火一般的人儿。滴答的雨声 ,噼啪的火苗声像音乐般打着节拍,红色的小人或跳或跃、有的休闲的抱着头腾空而起,开心的从火苗中蹿出,燃烧着、雀跃着享受着霏霏细雨。梦醒之后我用草稿和文字记录下了这有趣的一幕。









2010.9 – 2014.6  中国美术学院,壁画系漆画工作室

2015.10-2016.10  英国伦敦艺术大学,绘画专业硕士


2022 “黄金时代·梦与君同”问象艺术空间 南京


2016.2 组织“Dream Drawing Workshop”, UAL, London

2016.1 参与策划“Wimbledon Intern show”, 26 Paces, London

2016.1 参与策划“Assessment Exhibition”, Wimbledon College of Arts, London

2016.1 创建个人作品网站

2015.11 参加组织公益绘画展览“London”, Bargehouse Oxo Tower画廊, 伦敦艺术大学,剑桥大学艺术学院,安格利亚鲁金斯大学联合举办,英国,伦敦

2015.8 参与策划"We All Draw"伦敦艺术大学,伦敦传媒学院 ,英国,伦敦

2014.12 参与策划“海峡漆艺术大展”, 中国美术馆,北京

2014.8 参与组织“中国美术学院漆艺作品展”, 福建省美术馆,福建

2014.1 参与组织“漆语:髹饰的可能" 学术研讨会,福建省美术馆,福建

参展经历 2013-2016

2016.9 作品入选伦敦艺术大学与英国伦敦国家美术馆联合举办的项目画展 National Gallery project, London 2016.9 作品《Dream Kaleidoscope》《Dream Dairy》《The Rainy Season in Shower》《Pregnancy Caused by Eating Sushi》
2016.9 参加“Wimbledon MA Summer Show of UAL”, 英国,伦敦
2016.9 受邀参加(MiAL)艺术沙龙展“Made in Arts London’’
2016.9 受邀加入 Zealous 艺术平台
2016.1 作品《Dream Pieces》系列参加“Wimbledon Intern show”, 26 Paces, 英国伦敦
2015.11 绘画作品《Dream》入选由伦敦大学温布尔登学院,剑桥艺术学院,安格利亚鲁斯金大学,哥伦比亚大学联合举办的“We All Draw”绘画展,英国,伦敦。
2014.11 漆画作品《海月》,漆器作品《渴望》参加“大漆艺术—海峡漆艺术大展”,由中国艺术研究院、中国美术家协会、中国美术馆、福建省文化厅联合主办,中国北京中国美术馆,北京
2014.9 漆画作品《过去式》参加“十二届全国美术作品展览”,由中华人民共和国文化部、中国文学艺术界联和会,中国美术家协会主办  中国美术馆,中国,北京
2014.1 作品《过去式》《影子》入选“中国美术学院—漆艺术作品展“,福建省美术馆,中国,福建
2013.9 集体作品《漆语 100》参加“大漆世界-源.流--2013 湖北国际漆艺术三年展”湖北美术馆,中国,武汉
2013.11 作品《过去式》入选“源. 流中国漆艺术作品精品展“,杭州跨湖桥遗址博物馆,中国,杭州

作品入选 & 获奖经历

2015.11 绘画作品《Dream》“We All Draw”绘画展,伦敦艺术大学,剑桥艺术学院联合举办,伦敦
2015.6.9 绘画作品《Dream Kaleidoscope》系列作品入选英国国家美术馆,伦敦艺术大学联合举办项目National Gallery project, 英国伦敦  
2014.9 漆画作品《过去式》入选第十二届全国美术作品展,中国美术家协会,中国文化部、中国文学艺术界联合会
2014.7 集体作品《漆语 100》获得“浙江省第十三届美术作品展览”铜奖,浙江省美术馆
2014.11 漆器作品《渴望》入选“大漆艺术-海峡漆艺术大展”,福建省美术馆
2014.11 作品《海月》入选“大漆艺术-海峡漆艺术大展”,福建省美术馆,被福建省美术馆收藏
2013.11 作品《过去式》入选“源流·中国美术学院漆艺术精品展”,杭州跨湖桥遗址博物馆
2013.11 作品《过去式》入选“源流·中国美术学院漆艺术精品展”,福建省美术馆
2012.12 作品《过去式》获得“第三届全国漆画展“  优秀奖,中国美术家协会
2012.9 集体作品《漆语 100》入选“天工”中国.大同国际壁画双年展,美术家协会,中央美术学院,大同文物局联合举办,山西省大同市和阳美术馆

2015: MA Drawing , University of the Arts London,London  UK
2014: BA  Lacquer Art Studio , China Academy of Art,Hangzhou CHA

April 2016:  Curatorial team member of the exhibition"Out of Line"- Centre for Recent Drawing - London(UK)
November2015:  Organization team member of the exhibition "We All Draw"
- BargeHouse - London(UK)

Solo Exhibitions
2022 “The Golden Era·Dream To Be With You,WeShine Art Space, Nanjing

Selected exhibitions


"Out of line", Centre for Recent Drawing, London,(UK)

Curated by University of the Arts London



UAL "Interim Show" , Centre for Drawing ,London,(UK)

Curated by University of the Arts London

12th/14th April 2016



"We All Draw"

Oxo Tower Wharf,Bargehouse, London,(UK)

Curated by University of the Arts London ,Cambridge School of Art ,Columbia University, Angila Ruskin University

5/8 November,2015.



"The Twelfth National Exhibition of Fine Arts" , Beijing.China,

Curated by Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China

1/10 September, 2014.


"2014 Cross-Strait Lacquer art exhibition" , Fujian,china

Curated by Culture Department of Fujian Province

3th to 25th August 2014.


"Graduation Exhibition of China Academy of Art",Hangzhou,China.

12th-30 May,2014 . Curated by China Academy of Art



"lacquer Arts Exhibition of China Academy of Art "


8th August--6th September 


"Lacquer Speech--lacquer Arts Exhibition of China Academy"

Hangzhou ,China. 15th-28th May2013

Curated by China Academy of Art


"Source and Course: Chinese Lacquer Art Masterpieces Exhibition " 

17th September/ 3rd October 2013-Hangzhou ,China. 

curated by China Artists Association, Archaeological research center of Peking University.


"Hubei International Lacqur art triennial the Origin 

and Development of Great lacquer” 

8th August--6th September Hubei China 

curated by goverment of Hangzhou, goverment of Fujian, Fujian Provincial Art Museum, China Artists Association.



''The Third National lacquer Painting Exhibition "

17th September-1th October 2012 (Nanjing)China 

curated by China Artists Association


Lacquer painting 'The Past' winner of the Third Session National lacquer Painting Exhibition , China , 2012

Lacquer painting  'Moon in the Sea' selected into '2014 Cross - Strait Lacquer art exhibition ,China, 2013

Lacquer ware 'Desire ' lacquer ware selected into the '2014 Cross - Strait Lacquer art exhibition ' , China,2013

Scholarship for " outstanding students from China academy of art in 2012-2013. China

Lacquer painting 'The Past' selected into the National 

Fine arts Exhibition 

Lacquer painting 'Moon in the Sea' has been 

collected by the Fujian Fine Art Museum 


"The Twelfth National Exhibition of Fine Arts, China" 

published by People's Fine Art Publishing House, 

Beijing, China, 2014 .

"2014 Cross - Strait Lacquer art exhibition " 

published by Chinese Academy of Fine Arts Press, 


"The Third National lacquer Painting Exhibition" 

Jiangsu Fine Arts Publishing House,China,2012



2010.9 – 2014.6  中国美术学院,壁画系漆画工作室

2015.10-2016.10  英国伦敦艺术大学,绘画专业硕士


2022 “黄金时代·梦与君同”问象艺术空间 南京


2016.2 组织“Dream Drawing Workshop”, UAL, London

2016.1 参与策划“Wimbledon Intern show”, 26 Paces, London

2016.1 参与策划“Assessment Exhibition”, Wimbledon College of Arts, London

2016.1 创建个人作品网站

2015.11 参加组织公益绘画展览“London”, Bargehouse Oxo Tower画廊, 伦敦艺术大学,剑桥大学艺术学院,安格利亚鲁金斯大学联合举办,英国,伦敦

2015.8 参与策划"We All Draw"伦敦艺术大学,伦敦传媒学院 ,英国,伦敦

2014.12 参与策划“海峡漆艺术大展”, 中国美术馆,北京

2014.8 参与组织“中国美术学院漆艺作品展”, 福建省美术馆,福建

2014.1 参与组织“漆语:髹饰的可能" 学术研讨会,福建省美术馆,福建

参展经历 2013-2016

2016.9 作品入选伦敦艺术大学与英国伦敦国家美术馆联合举办的项目画展 National Gallery project, London 2016.9 作品《Dream Kaleidoscope》《Dream Dairy》《The Rainy Season in Shower》《Pregnancy Caused by Eating Sushi》

2016.9 参加“Wimbledon MA Summer Show of UAL”, 英国,伦敦

2016.9 受邀参加(MiAL)艺术沙龙展“Made in Arts London’’

2016.9 受邀加入 Zealous 艺术平台

2016.1 作品《Dream Pieces》系列参加“Wimbledon Intern show”, 26 Paces, 英国伦敦

2015.11 绘画作品《Dream》入选由伦敦大学温布尔登学院,剑桥艺术学院,安格利亚鲁斯金大学,哥伦比亚大学联合举办的“We All Draw”绘画展,英国,伦敦。

2014.11 漆画作品《海月》,漆器作品《渴望》参加“大漆艺术—海峡漆艺术大展”,由中国艺术研究院、中国美术家协会、中国美术馆、福建省文化厅联合主办,中国北京中国美术馆,北京

2014.9 漆画作品《过去式》参加“十二届全国美术作品展览”,由中华人民共和国文化部、中国文学艺术界联和会,中国美术家协会主办  中国美术馆,中国,北京


2014.1 作品《过去式》《影子》入选“中国美术学院—漆艺术作品展“,福建省美术馆,中国,福建

2013.9 集体作品《漆语 100》参加“大漆世界-源.流--2013 湖北国际漆艺术三年展”湖北美术馆,中国,武汉

2013.11 作品《过去式》入选“源. 流中国漆艺术作品精品展“,杭州跨湖桥遗址博物馆,中国,杭州

作品入选 & 获奖经历

2015.11 绘画作品《Dream》“We All Draw”绘画展,伦敦艺术大学,剑桥艺术学院联合举办,伦敦

2015.6.9 绘画作品《Dream Kaleidoscope》系列作品入选英国国家美术馆,伦敦艺术大学联合举办项目National Gallery project, 英国伦敦  

2014.9 漆画作品《过去式》入选第十二届全国美术作品展,中国美术家协会,中国文化部、中国文学艺术界联合会

2014.7 集体作品《漆语 100》获得“浙江省第十三届美术作品展览”铜奖,浙江省美术馆

2014.11 漆器作品《渴望》入选“大漆艺术-海峡漆艺术大展”,福建省美术馆

2014.11 作品《海月》入选“大漆艺术-海峡漆艺术大展”,福建省美术馆,被福建省美术馆收藏

2013.11 作品《过去式》入选“源流·中国美术学院漆艺术精品展”,杭州跨湖桥遗址博物馆

2013.11 作品《过去式》入选“源流·中国美术学院漆艺术精品展”,福建省美术馆

2012.12 作品《过去式》获得“第三届全国漆画展“  优秀奖,中国美术家协会

2012.9 集体作品《漆语 100》入选“天工”中国.大同国际壁画双年展,美术家协会,中央美术学院,大同文物局联合举办,山西省大同市和阳美术馆


2015: MA Drawing , University of the Arts London,London  UK

2014: BA  Lacquer Art Studio , China Academy of Art,Hangzhou CHA


April 2016:  Curatorial team member of the exhibition"Out of Line"- Centre for Recent Drawing - London(UK)

November2015:  Organization team member of the exhibition "We All Draw"

- BargeHouse - London(UK)

Solo Exhibitions

2022 “The Golden Era·Dream To Be With You”,WeShine Art Space, Nanjing

Selected exhibitions


"Out of line", Centre for Recent Drawing, London,(UK)

Curated by University of the Arts London


UAL "Interim Show" , Centre for Drawing ,London,(UK)

Curated by University of the Arts London

12th/14th April 2016


"We All Draw"

Oxo Tower Wharf,Bargehouse, London,(UK)

Curated by University of the Arts London ,Cambridge School of Art ,Columbia University, Angila Ruskin University

5/8 November,2015.


"The Twelfth National Exhibition of Fine Arts" , Beijing.China,

Curated by Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China

1/10 September, 2014.

"2014 Cross-Strait Lacquer art exhibition" , Fujian,china

Curated by Culture Department of Fujian Province

3th to 25th August 2014.

"Graduation Exhibition of China Academy of Art",Hangzhou,China.

12th-30 May,2014 . Curated by China Academy of Art


"lacquer Arts Exhibition of China Academy of Art "


8th August--6th September

"Lacquer Speech--lacquer Arts Exhibition of China Academy"

Hangzhou ,China. 15th-28th May2013

Curated by China Academy of Art

"Source and Course: Chinese Lacquer Art Masterpieces Exhibition "

17th September/ 3rd October 2013-Hangzhou ,China.

curated by China Artists Association, Archaeological research center of Peking University.

"Hubei International Lacqur art triennial the Origin

and Development of Great lacquer”

8th August--6th September Hubei China

curated by goverment of Hangzhou, goverment of Fujian, Fujian Provincial Art Museum, China Artists Association.


''The Third National lacquer Painting Exhibition "

17th September-1th October 2012 (Nanjing)China

curated by China Artists Association


Lacquer painting 'The Past' winner of the Third Session National lacquer Painting Exhibition , China , 2012

Lacquer painting  'Moon in the Sea' selected into '2014 Cross - Strait Lacquer art exhibition ,China, 2013

Lacquer ware 'Desire ' lacquer ware selected into the '2014 Cross - Strait Lacquer art exhibition ' , China,2013

Scholarship for " outstanding students from China academy of art in 2012-2013. China

Lacquer painting 'The Past' selected into the National

Fine arts Exhibition

Lacquer painting 'Moon in the Sea' has been

collected by the Fujian Fine Art Museum


"The Twelfth National Exhibition of Fine Arts, China"

published by People's Fine Art Publishing House,

Beijing, China, 2014 .

"2014 Cross - Strait Lacquer art exhibition "

published by Chinese Academy of Fine Arts Press,


"The Third National lacquer Painting Exhibition"

Jiangsu Fine Arts Publishing House,China,2012

刘丹棋 Liu Danqi